By Vic Gerami
The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) presents G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show on Saturday, November 23, 7:00 p.m. at the Double Tree by Hilton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel, 120 South Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, 90012.
G.A.R.R.A.S. is a fundraising event that supports the organization’s work of providing critical supportive services to trans people in the greater Los Angeles area. Funds raised through the event support The Center for Violence Prevention and Transgender Wellness, a program of TLC.
G.A.R.R.A.S. (Groundbreaking Activism Redirecting & Reforming All Systems) is an annual fashion show and fundraiser event that highlights the Trans, Gender nonconforming community and their allies as high fashion models, designers and stylists while raising funds for TLC. Through this event, trans and gender nonconforming communities and their allies demonstrate their talents, leadership and activism skills. The show helps to redefine activism in recognition that every event participant is an activist who impacts their lives and that of others. Participants provide their art, time, talent and many other multiple skills while raising funds to uplift and mobilize the trans & gender nonconforming community to create a space of self-expression and total acceptance.

TLC is led by Bamby Salcedo, a renowned national and international activist based in Los Angeles. Bamby is The President & CEO of TLC who has received numerous awards and honors for her work, including The Black & Hispanic Gay Coaltion’s James Earl Hardy Legends Award, Lambda Legal’s West Coast Liberty Award and The National LGBTQ Task Force’s Susan J. Hyde Award.
“Our GARRAS Fashion Show is not only our organization’s biggest fundraiser, but it’s an event that brings the community together, uplifts and highlights Trans and Gender Nonconforming people as high fashion models and provides the opportunity to upcoming designers to showcase their art and talent,” Bamby Salcedo told The Blunt Post.
TLC is an organization formed by Trans Latin@ leaders who have come together in 2009 to organize and advocate for the needs of Trans Latin@s who are immigrants and reside in the US.
Since its inception TLC has done advocacy work across the US to ensure the voices of Trans Latin@s are heard. TLC’s sole purpose is to address the unique and specific challenges and needs of Trans Latin@s who live in the United States. Working with policy makers and supporting organizations we find solutions to our unique needs and create structural changes to better our quality of life.
For more information about TLC, please visit translatinacoalition.org
To purchase tickets for G.A.R.R.A.S., please click here